И почему из всех её песен меня потянуло смотреть перевод именно этой? Однозначно выделяется на фоне песенок про любофф и чуйства. Не буду даже писать, с чем - с кем? - у меня ассоциируются последние слова про надежду, потому что ну на фиг, упоротые ассоциации, ну сколько ж можно! xD
Moral no SoushikiThe call of the owl is an omen of death,
and as the full moon appears,
the darkness opens up the wounds.
The believers and the non-believers,
even the priests
donned their mourning clothes
as the wind whispers in their ears
"Tonight is the funeral of Morals"
Pater Noster
The falling stars are the tears of the sky.
The weeping of the trees echoes in the forest.
The grief of the wind is reflected
on the water’s surface as it crosses the lake
calling everyone to the funeral site
Tonight is the funeral of Morals
Sitting at the front is Love,
and next to her is Philosophy;
sitting there smoking his tabacco,
lost in thought.
Right behind him sit Pride and Devotion
lost in conversation,
their faces full of sincerity
And none of them can hide their unrest
Pater Noster
The young Purity grasps the hand of Wisdom
while throwing a white rose into the coffin.
Sense sits down on her seat,
rolling down her black veil
and after the ceremony is over,
they slowly started this conversation:
"Suddenly, my son was taken away from me
throwing my heart into disarray.
He had a dignified voice,
and always looked straight ahead.
It’s something I’ll never forget.
Surely even now, he is like a lighthouse,
shining his light to guide us
when we are lost and astray,
when we can no longer see the road ahead.
He will live forever in your heart,
marking both good and evil and evil like a milestone."
Pater Noster
With the nodding of their heads and the
clapping of their hands they show their sympathy.
And Truth whispers to Reason:
"I had a son as well, and even
though Hope is no longer with us,
he continues to live inside of us"
As the owl flies away and ceases its cries
the mist clears up, the sun appears in the sky